Saturday, February 6, 2010

Did you know about all the types of acceptable plastic bags for recycling? I didn't know you could recycle cereal bags! Check it out:

Also here are 2 blogs that have tips for reducing waste, both from couples who tried to create zero waste for an entire year.
The first is from New Zealand, so may have less relevance but they have great resources under "Rubbish-Free Guide" and "Links." Their blog doesn't seem to be working at the moment - ?

This one is from a couple in Oregon. Again, good resources and links:


Valentina Grajales said...

Do you know if there are any of these containers in Gainesville to recycle these bags?

jill said...

Publix takes them, most other grocery stores do too. I think Wal-mart might take them as well. There is usually a bin in the front of grocery stores that says "plastic bags." Also, I know the Publix on Main St. takes styrofoam containers and trays, other Publixs may as well.