Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ideas For Collaboration ! ! ! ! !

river cleanup and make individual work inspired by the process, maybe use debris? group show. something else local to this area, the prairie, creeks, gainesvillecreeks.org

gainesville coop community involvement, sustainability, make something(food) to sell with coop/kitchen

in the mode of Baile Oakes, interactive work , visualization tool, audience controlled outcome, ability to make choices and see how it affects something

       Subcategories to be smaller part of above ideas:

       catalina's stamp project make showcard

       Make a documentary (diversity of Gainesville, multiple viewpoints)

       Must have a finite goal


jimmy said...

I like the co-op or csa idea. I have always been into the idea of communities seeking their own substance base. I don't know how this could even start. Good for brainstorm?

Kelly Sims said...

I agree with Jimmy i'm much more interested in working with the community and favor the idea of the co-op or extreme makeover school.

jill said...

I found these on the gainesville creeks website, if we wanted to do the clean-up we could do it through it this program:
Also, I know a lot of people were interested in growing plants but we felt we didn't have time, so we could do this project where we plant restorative plants along the banks of local waterways (and then make work based on the experience - going along with with the clean-up idea):

carolbrm said...

I am torn. The cleanup sounds like a great hands on experience but creating something Baile Oaks style sounds really cool especially if we can display it on campus to bring awareness to a specific issue. I will have to come back after pondering some more on what this object could be. For now I think that I would like to do the clean-up and also potentially be involved with documenting everyone's experience.