Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Here is a cool site about indoor gardens. One of the features is a PC case made into a hydroponic set up!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Superfund 365 and Baile Oakes
Also here is the artist Baile Oakes to get an idea of interactive educational art that we may want to pursue for the collaborative project:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Help the enviroment and get free swag
Please send us the minimum of 50 caps and we will send you a gift. Make a difference.
Caps accepted for recycling are rigid polypropylene plastic, sometimes noted with a 5 in the chasing arrows recycling symbol. This includes caps that twist on with a threaded neck such as caps on shampoo, water, soda, milk and other beverage bottles, flip top caps on tubes and food product bottles (such as ketchup and mayonnaise), laundry detergents and some jar lids such as peanut butter. Excluded from collection are pharmaceutical lids and non rigid lids such as yogurt lids, tub lids (margarine, cottage cheese), and screw on lids that are not rigid. If you can bend or break the lid with your bare hands, then it does not meet the rigid plastic definition. Please do not include any metal lids or plastic pumps or sprayers.
You will flip your lid gift
17822-B Gillette Ave
Irvine, Ca. 92614
Bee College
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Plastic Bags!
Though it makes me sad that my method is hardly original and much more labor-intensive, these methods are incredibly exciting! Expect to see a lot more recycled woven baggage!
Earth Hour March 27 8:30-9:30 local time
Aside from individuals, cities around the world sign up to turn off all non-essential lighting in government buildings. You can lobby your city to become one of those. Universities, schools, organizations and businesses can also sign up for it. UF is currently not listed to participate.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ideas For Collaboration ! ! ! ! !
gainesville coop community involvement, sustainability, make something(food) to sell with coop/kitchen
in the mode of Baile Oakes, interactive work , visualization tool, audience controlled outcome, ability to make choices and see how it affects something
Subcategories to be smaller part of above ideas:
catalina's stamp project make showcard
Make a documentary (diversity of Gainesville, multiple viewpoints)
Must have a finite goal
Monday, February 22, 2010
Make a difference!
Greenpeace Semester Internships
The Greenpeace Organizing Term (
The Organizing Term is a hands-on training program designed to give you hands on experience to learn how to be a leader in the environmental movement in your community.
During the semester, you’ll learn about current environmental issues and solutions while being trained by experts in grassroots organizing, leadership, media and campaign strategy.
You’ll have the opportunity to travel during the Greenpeace Expedition, learn how to engage in peaceful direct action, and plan on work on real Greenpeace campaigns.
On top of all of that, many students are able to receive class credit for the semester.
Apply today! Spaces in the are filling up quickly, and early applications for Summer and Fall 2010 are due March 1.
Apply at
The semester is offered in the Washington D.C. and San Francisco Greenpeace offices.
If you have any questions about the program, contact or (415) 255-9194.
The Self-Sufficient Life
Commenting is enabled so feel free to make suggestions :]
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Post to Blogs
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Free University of Gainesville
These are the links to the Facebook and Myspace pages of Free University. This is the organization I was talking about during Paul's crit as a possible way for Paul to teach his bag making. Anyone can teach a class and anyone can take a class. No one pays or gets paid. I thought maybe others might be interested in teaching or taking classes.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Harvest by Asif Khan

Hey Lisa...
Sun Chips' Compostable Bag

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Climate change will make world more 'fragrant'
Hey guys,
I found this cool article about flowers emitting more fragrant chemicals called biogenic volatile organic compounds as a result of global warming. They have already increased by 10% and will increase as temperature increases.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR: How Green is Your Love?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Plastic garbage patch in the ocean
Definitely Check this out!!
I know we mentioned in class one time the world of plastic there is underwater in one particular spot of the ocean. In this video, Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation discusses the main issues with plastic in relation to the ocean. I personally know that plastic bottle caps are not recyclable but there are thousands and millions of people that don't and the direct effects can be seen in this video. The use of plastic is already being discouraged in an effort to create a more environmentally friendly society but this video makes me think about how to get to the root of the problem?
Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air | Video on
This video is pretty cool because it tells us how to get cleaner fresher air indoors. It seems like it works kind of like an air filter but just naturally. It also explains why we see the areca palm often indoors in large office or county buildings.
Book for Inspiration
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Also here are 2 blogs that have tips for reducing waste, both from couples who tried to create zero waste for an entire year.
The first is from New Zealand, so may have less relevance but they have great resources under "Rubbish-Free Guide" and "Links." Their blog doesn't seem to be working at the moment - ?
This one is from a couple in Oregon. Again, good resources and links:
Thursday, February 4, 2010
N55 (art collective)
The Snail Shell System:
I love this because it reminds me of a useful, serious version of that Halliburton bubble costume from the Yes Men movie. If I could get a hitch and hook it up to my bicycle, I would bring it everywhere!
Another project by N55 relevant to ecology is called LAND:
"LAND is constructed from pieces of land in different places in the world. The various parts are added to LAND by persons who guarantee that anybody can stay in LAND and use it. Any person can initiate expansions of LAND. The geographical positions of LAND can be found in Manual for LAND. The manual is continuously updated at A current version can also be obtained by contacting N55." More information can be found here:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We have discussed the Koppers Superfund, and I have been attending meetings hosted by Protect Gainesville Citizens for the past few weeks. It is clear to me that the site is a real concern, mostly related to the Plume as they call it, which is Arsenic contaminated groundwater that has penetrated the Hawthorn Layer. This deep soil and water contamination is not being addressed by the current cleanup plans being discussed. I encourage everyone to spend some time and do more research here:
Protect Gainesville Citizens is a non-profit organization devoted to the cleanup of the Gainesville, FL Cabott-Koppers site which is now owned by Beazer East. Wild Iris Books hosts the bi-weekly meetings for the group and is very excited at the possibility of having local artists represent this issue. They have proposed that we hold an event, an opening maybe, during the March art walk. This would be a great opportunity to interact with the public, perhaps in some performative, theatrical, or other non-traditional way. Thoughts?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sketch for proposal 1

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Protect the Clean Air Act
Repower America is currently hosting a letter-writing tool that you can use to write to a newspaper.
You could even more directly call our Senators and urge them to resist this amendment.
More information on the situation by source:
New York Times
Huffington Post
Climate Protection Action Fund