We have discussed the Koppers Superfund, and I have been attending meetings hosted by Protect Gainesville Citizens for the past few weeks. It is clear to me that the site is a real concern, mostly related to the Plume as they call it, which is Arsenic contaminated groundwater that has penetrated the Hawthorn Layer. This deep soil and water contamination is not being addressed by the current cleanup plans being discussed. I encourage everyone to spend some time and do more research here:
Protect Gainesville Citizens is a non-profit organization devoted to the cleanup of the Gainesville, FL Cabott-Koppers site which is now owned by Beazer East. Wild Iris Books hosts the bi-weekly meetings for the group and is very excited at the possibility of having local artists represent this issue. They have proposed that we hold an event, an opening maybe, during the March art walk. This would be a great opportunity to interact with the public, perhaps in some performative, theatrical, or other non-traditional way. Thoughts?
This seems to be a perfect project to engage for this class. This issue is still not on the minds of most Gainesvilleans and it absolutely should be. An engaging performance project may be a good way to spread awareness and inform the city of these dangers to our water supply and how people can help make a difference.
Passing by the Koppers site at night and seeing that sign was almost chilling, knowing what we know. This seems like a great topic to work with because people care more about what directly affects them. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling on dealing with superfund sites.
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