Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air | Video on

Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air | Video on
This video is pretty cool because it tells us how to get cleaner fresher air indoors. It seems like it works kind of like an air filter but just naturally. It also explains why we see the areca palm often indoors in large office or county buildings.

1 comment:

mirelle said...

That was really fascinating. It's crazy to think that you could live in a closed "bottle" with these plants and not die! Plus, I really like the idea of having plants in an office building. I imagine it would make working indoors in an office space much more enjoyable and in a way more spacious. Also, offices, like many enclosed spaces with lots of people, probably have problems with dust and bacteria, so fresh air would be healthy.